Monday 9 August 2010

ICT in schools

Having read the article from the BBC..

I think that it is really important that the distinction is clearly made between ICT lessons as a subject, using ICT to support learning; and computing. The latter definitely needs teaching so we produce meaningful vocational pathways and outcomes for our talented youngsters.

Personally, I am sure that the majority of pupils are more likely to be able to do more with computers than many teachers. This is not meant to mean that I do not value teachers, it is simply that technology is stuff that happened after they were born. Many of our young people do not even see using a PC, mobile phone, MP3 player as is just stuff, whereas the teaching workforce needs CPD! Our children are digital natives.

I would prefer to see schools using Excel in Maths and Science as just the tool that it is, not learning how to use it in ICT. Art should encompass Photoshop, in a way that Music has used technology since the mid 1980's. It is bizarre to me that people talk about ICT in Music - Musicians just use technology to help them create, record, and produce music using computers.

If lessons just used technology, when appropriate, with the appropriate application, then there would be no need for ICT lessons and no risk for them producing an engagement divide between technology at home and technology at school.


Brian Greene

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