Friday 13 August 2010

Learning to play a musical instrument

Gigajam's Essential Skills Course for guitar, bass, keyboard and drums remains unique in the market. Our Unique Selling Point has always been that we provide the skills that enable people to be able to play an instrument.

It is interesting that the majority of online music tuition requires you to already be able to play to use their products. They offer much that is interesting and inspirational, and that is important, but rely on you developing the skills yourself, or having the benefit of a music teacher.

The whole reason we developed Gigajam was because developing the skills to be able to play music was not just expensive, it is not always easily accessible and is difficult to achieve on your own.

Gigajam is not just about our materials and our software, it is also about creating a clear, simple and logical path that leads to you achieving your goal.

Gigajam Lessons -You learn skills,
Gigajam Exercises - You practice your skills
Gigajam songs - Apply the skills learned to songs written to develop your skills from the course.
Play songs - You match your skills to playing songs you like
Write your own music - Take your skills and the tools you have developed and compose, perform, record your music.

Here are a couple of short videos that explain part of that process.

1. Playing Gigajam Songs
2. Playing Popular Songs*

*When we were young by The Killers

Let me know your views on learning an instrument and how you might go about supporting budding musicians.

Brian Greene
Managing Director

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